Thursday, December 22, 2011

Misa de Gallo of the Filipinos

Misa de Gallo also known in the Filipino term Simbang Gabi is commenced at the dawn of December 16 when the first crow of the rooster is heard. It is a nine-day novena mass wherein most Filipinos commemorate Christmas through anticipating the birth of the Messiah. This has been a tradition every year when Christmas day is near. The dawn mass usually starts at four a.m where people join a flock queuing to hear the Good News showing the true devotion to Jesus Christ. Filipinos have the belief that whoever completes attending the nine days of simbang gabi, God shall grant their wish. This belief has been passed all over the years the same as the celebration of the dawn mass. This only proves that the Filipino culture is also based on Faith and values taught by the church. It is really nice to see people willing to cut off their sleeping time to celebrate the mass, say a prayer and also wish to God at the same time.

According to wikipilipinas, Simbang gabi started about three centuries ago, having begun sometime in the 1700s. A Spanish friar gathered his flocks of farmers during harvest time – coinciding with the Christmas season – and together they gave thanks for the bountiful harvest. Group singing was encouraged during the gathering and a simple breakfast was served afterwards. From then on these farmers willingly observed those early mornings as a time for worship, and it became a tradition over time.

After the mass, it’s been also a yearly tradition to buy and eat Christmas Filipino delicacies such as the suman, bibingka, kuchinta and puto bungbong with a hot coffee or with hot chocolate. The kakanin as what Filipinos call it is sold outside the church usually purchased by bundles for the whole family to partake.

Stay tuned.


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