Thursday, December 22, 2011

Live Life with The English Paradigm

Some find it hard to speak English and are uncomfortable dealing with it. So here’s a poem that encourages people to speak the English language and tips how to improve speaking as well as writing.

English Language is used all over the world,

As a modern way to communicate for those who are straight or curled.

The instrument for us to understand, to work for our betterment hand in hand.

It is our aid to have a rich, prosperous life, helps us to be happy with all our might.

But in some ways, we are hindered by our fear,

Scared to use English that’s why everything went so unclear.

We tend to shut our mouths, thinking speaking English is too hard,

And so we’re stucked in the situation, clueless, mind twisted and barred.

So here I am to give you some tips and advice,

On how to make fear disappear and make English as a friend and a healthy vice.
It’s not that bad to try it out,

Just trust yourself and expunge all hesitations and doubts.

First is to know what English is about, make use of the grammar and make it your chum aside from learning Finnish.

To practice and apply it as your own style, make it your medium even more than once in a while.

Think, Listen, Write, Speak and Act in English, one sure way to achieve your aim.

So to summarize it all, the perfect way to sharpen your skills,

That’s to live in English just like taking your own English pills.

So start now, live life with the English Paradigm.


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