Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Cookery Language 2

In the previous post about the cookery language , I mentioned about the terms used in food preparation. So in this section you will learn about the terms used in cooking that will help you broaden your cooking vocabulary.

To Bake- to cook in the oven without using additional fat. Custard, cakes, biscuits, pastry are baked and so is some meat.

Bain-Marie- used for caramel custard and etc.; a container of water, in which dishes are cooked.

To Baste- to spoon hot liquid or fat over meat, poultry or other food while cooking to keep it moist.

To Boil
- to cook in liquid at boiling point (100 degrees Centigrade). Liquid is boiling when it bubbles hard. Many foods are brought just to boiling and then the heat lowered so that the food will simmer.

To Braise- to cook food, generally meat, in a rich brown sauce, above a mirepoix of mixed vegetables. Wine is often added.

Casserole- a baking dish with a tight-fitting lid, used for cooking stews and vegetables in the oven.

To Coagulate- to allow a mixture to thicken or set.

To Curdle- this means that ingredients separate and look lumpy instead of smooth. This can happen in egg dishes; cheese sauce; when adding eggs to a creamed mixture.

To Fry- to cook in fat; sometimes a very small amount is used, sometimes a larger amount. The correct temperature of fat must be used in frying.

To Grill- to cook under the grill, generally a quick process.

To Parboil- to partially cook in boiling slated water such as parsnips before roasting.

To Poach- to cook slowly in liquid. Eggs, fish and others are poached in salted water.

To Roast- to cook in the oven in extra fat; some fat mean can be roasted in its own fat.

To make a ‘Roux’- to cook fat and flour together in the first stage of sauce.

To Simmer- to cook steadily in liquid. You should see an occasional bubble on the surface. Cove pans when simmering for a long time, otherwise the liquid evaporates. Sometimes the liquid needs to become thicker, in which case remove the lid.

To Steam- to cook in steam rather than liquid. A proper steamer which is put over a pan of water is ideal. Otherwise, use a small quantity of water so that food is not immersed.

To Stew
- to cook slowly by simmering in a little liquid in a closed pan or casserole.

I hope you enjoy learning. If you want to view the first part of the cookery Language,click here.

Stay tuned.



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